Not too long ago, I ran across an ad for a collapsible pocket bellows. “Huh. That’s interesting.” You see, some of my scouts have a gift for turning a decent fire lay into a smoking disaster. So from time to time, I find myself sticking my face in the fire trying to blow the flames back to life. In other words, a bellows could come in handy. I wasn’t thrilled by the cost, but it gave me an idea for a much lighter and cheaper version. An hour later, I had my own bellows, and it’s a winner. Here’s how to make it.
Two Decades of Father’s Day
It’s Father’s Day and I’m the first one up. I’m sitting here reflecting on years gone by, and it’s dawning on me that Father’s Day has slowly and subtly changed for me over the years. So if you don’t mind walking with me down memory lane for a few minutes …
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I love knots. I practice knots just for fun. Sitting around a campfire or conversation circle, some folks will whittle. Others will knit. I tie knots. Which is why I’m surprised that I love Nite Ize Figure 9s as much as I do. I guess I have to admit that, in the situations they’re designed for, Figure 9s can not only replace knots, they’re vastly simpler. Here’s how to use them.
A Rope Kit for Backpacking
You could say that rope is the backbone of a campsite. It goes into everything from tents and shelters to cooking tripods and furniture. One of the best ideas I’ve seen in a long time is a “rope kit” — an organized collection of pre-cut ropes. Here’s how to put one together.
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The wooden staff has been keeping travelers company ever since that first soul got an itch to wander. Largely replaced by trekking poles today, there is still a place for a sturdy, wood hiking stick.
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